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发布时间:2025-02-11 05:09:01点击量:294
本文摘要:White hat hackers revealed白帽黑客身份被揭发The majority of Chinese white hat hackers are young people born in the 1990s, according to Chinas first survey on the subject, initiated by an online geek community called GeekPwn.由极客在线社区GeekPwn发动的中国首份《白帽黑客调查报告》表明,90后年轻人沦为中国白帽黑客的主力军。

White hat hackers revealed白帽黑客身份被揭发The majority of Chinese white hat hackers are young people born in the 1990s, according to Chinas first survey on the subject, initiated by an online geek community called GeekPwn.由极客在线社区GeekPwn发动的中国首份《白帽黑客调查报告》表明,90后年轻人沦为中国白帽黑客的主力军。White hat hackers are information security personnel using online hacking skills to help maintain Internet safety.白帽黑客指利用黑客技术确保网络安全的信息安全工作人员。

Some 61% were born in the 1990s, while 30% were born in the 1980s and 4% in the 1970s, according to the report.根据该报告,90后白帽黑客的比例大约为61%,80后占到30%,70后则占到4%。The report also says that 55% of white hat hackers make no more than RMB100,000 a year, and only 5% have an annual income above RMB500,000.报告还表明,55%的白帽黑客年收入在10万以下,仅有5%的人年薪多达50万。



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